24/04/2013Andreza Neri, Joao Meira Neto and Carlos Schaefer have published an article about vegetation-soil relations in Cerrado
11/04/2013Markus Gastauer and Joao Meira-Neto have published a paper of mehtods in phylogenetic structure in Ecological Informatics.
14/03/2013A new species has been described by Prof. Pedro Schwartsburd.The Professor Pedro Schwartsburd has described a species of Serpocaulon, Serpocaulon rex, from the Floresta-Escola Environmental Center, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The paper will be published soon in the Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas or JBRIT. The photo is from another Serpocaulon...
14/01/2013LEEP has initiated collaboration with CSIC - Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales of MadridLast week LEEP has initiated a collaboration with Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales of Madrid, Spain. The collaborative activitieas are linked to Savanna project and to Mussununga's investigations. The main subject of research is the functional ecology of Cerrado and Mussununga ecosystems.
12/12/2012Researcher from Germany spoke at LEEPAndre Große-Stoltenberg gave a talk about Acacia longifolia invasion in Mediterranean ecosystems of Portugal next Wednesday at LEEP. He is a doctorate student from Muenster University and is working in the field for the project INSPECTED.NET.
10/12/2012The LEEP did a flight over Serra do Brigadeiro State Park and Caparao National Park last December 8th for the CONNECT project.The LEEP did a flight over Serra do Brigadeiro State Park and Caparao National Park last December 8th for the CONNECT project.