24/10/2018Prof Joao Meira-Neto has presented studies about Acacia invasion in Latin-American Congress in Quito, Equador
15/08/2018The LEEP's seminars of 2018 - II have already been scheduled!Date Speaker Paper 22-Aug Andreza 29-Aug Neil 5-Sep Josieli 12-Sep Nathália 19-Jul Josieli 26-Sep Miguel 3-Oct Vanessa 10-Oct Alice 17-Oct Alex 24-Oct Herval 31-Oct Larissa 7-Nov Nayara 14-Nov Yurico 2-Nov Maribel 28-Nov Carlos 5-Dec Fernando 12-Dec Gustavo
20/06/2018Paper unveiling the evolutionary history of campo rupestre led by Vanessa Pontara was published in Biodiversity and Conservation
17/05/2018BIOBRAS results - UFVDear colleagues and applicants, I am glad to inform you that four names were selected among the applicants for the I BIOBRAS summer school, with two applicants on a waiting list. The classified applicants were: 1- Neil Damas Oliveira Junior 2- Nathalia Silva 3-...
16/05/2018BIOBRAS SummerschoolFrom March the 5th to the 8th took place in LEEP the kickoff of DAAD's Partnership for Supporting Biodiversity. The financed project, BIOBRAS, has as coordinator Dr. Tillmann Buttschardt. Dr. Buttschardt continues the international effort to integrate the capabilities of the WWU (Münster...
22/03/2018LEEP seminars in 2018Speaker position Date (Thursdays 10 a.m.) Alex doutorado 3/21/18 Neil mestrado 3/28/18 Herval doutorado 4/4/18 Miguel mestrado 4/11/18 Nathalia iniciação...