Vanessa Pontara
(31) 9950-01123
Pontara, V., Bueno, M.L., Garcia, L.E., Oliveira-Filho, A.T., Pennington, T.R., Burslem, D.F.R.P., Lemos-Filho, J.P., 2016. Fine-scale variation in topography and seasonality determine radial growth of an endangered tree in Brazilian Atlantic forest. Plant Soil 403, 115–128. doi:10.1007/s11104-016-2795-3
Bueno, M.L., Damasceno-Junior, G.A., Pott, A., Pontara, V., Seleme, E.P., Fava, W.S., Salomão, A.K.D., Ratter, J.A., 2014. Structure of arboreal and herbaceous strata in a neotropical seasonally flooded monodominant savanna of Tabebuia aurea. Brazilian Journal of Biology 74, 325–337. doi:10.1590/1519-6984.16612
Meira‐Neto, J.A.A., Cândido, H.M.N., Miazaki, Â., Pontara, V., Bueno, M.L., Solar, R., Gastauer, M., n.d. Drivers of the growth-survival trade-off in a tropical forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 0.
Candido, H.M.N., Miazaki, Â., Pontara, V., Bueno, M.L., Solar, R., Gastauer, M., Meira-Neto, J.A.A., 2019. Colonization-related functional traits of plants in a 50-hectare plot of secondary tropical forest. Acta Botanica Brasilica.
Oliveira-Junior, N.D. de, Heringer, G., Bueno, M.L., Pontara, V., Meira-Neto, J.A.A., 2020. Prioritizing landscape connectivity of a tropical forest biodiversity hotspot in global change scenario. Forest Ecology and Management 472, 118247.
de Castilho Silva, A.W., Pontara, V., Bueno, M.L., Villa, P.M., Walter, B.M.T., Meira-Neto, J.A.A., 2024. The bulk of a plant hotspot: composition, species richness and conservation status of the Cerrado herbaceous–subshrub flora. Folia Geobot.