20/07/2016The Inspected.Net meeting in ViçosaDuring ten days, from July 19th up to July 28th, 2016, the Inspected.Net members of University of Müesnter, University of Lisbon, University of Friburg and University of Viçosa met in Viçosa, Brazil, to finish their actions. In between, July 25-26th, there will be the First...
15/06/2016Dr. Cibele Amaral gave a speech about the applications of hyperspectrometry in functional ecology studiesDr. Cibele Amaral gave a speech about the applications of hyperspectrometry in functional ecology studies. She showed that some spectral profiles are potentialy related to traditional functional tratis, shortening procedures and potentializing large scale analises.
24/05/2016Foi publicada uma nova calibração para a megatree recentemente liberada para estudos filogenéticos de comunidadesAn enhanced calibration of a recently released megatree for the analysis of phylogenetic diversity M. Gastauer* and J. A. A. Meira-Neto Dated or calibrated phylogenetic trees, in which branch lengths correspond to evolutionary divergence times between nodes, are important requirements for computing...
28/04/2016Professor João Meira proferiu palestra na Universidade de LisboaO Prof. João Meira proferiu palestra na sexta-feira, dia 28 de abril de 2016, na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de LIsboa. A atividade é parte da colaboração existente entre a UFV, Universidade de Lisboa, Universidade de Freiburg e Universidade de Muenster,...
13/04/2016Seminário de 13/04 será sobre o Desastre de Mariana!!! Aqui os pdfsBrazil owns one of the largest biodiversity in the world. It has the largest area of tropical forests, the most biodiverse tropical savanna and is one of the countries that have experienced very significant economic growth during the twentieth Century...
04/04/2016I HAVE A DREAM! Seminários em inglês do LEEP, todas quartas-feiras às 11h. Clique e veja!Apresentador Data Assunto Markus 06/04 The hypothesis of sympatric speciation in a hotspot of biodiversity João 13/04 Mariana...