26/11/2018Meeting with Drs. Hermann Behling and Jackson Rodrigues concerning the Project of ATlantic Highlands - PATCH
30/10/2018LEEP participated in a technical visit to the Páramo vegetation in Cajas National Park, Ecuador.
24/10/2018Prof Joao Meira-Neto has presented studies about Acacia invasion in Latin-American Congress in Quito, Equador
15/08/2018The LEEP's seminars of 2018 - II have already been scheduled!Date Speaker Paper 22-Aug Andreza 29-Aug Neil 5-Sep Josieli 12-Sep Nathália 19-Jul Josieli 26-Sep Miguel 3-Oct Vanessa 10-Oct Alice 17-Oct Alex 24-Oct Herval 31-Oct Larissa 7-Nov Nayara 14-Nov Yurico 2-Nov Maribel 28-Nov Carlos 5-Dec Fernando 12-Dec Gustavo
20/06/2018Paper unveiling the evolutionary history of campo rupestre led by Vanessa Pontara was published in Biodiversity and Conservation
17/05/2018BIOBRAS results - UFVDear colleagues and applicants, I am glad to inform you that four names were selected among the applicants for the I BIOBRAS summer school, with two applicants on a waiting list. The classified applicants were: 1- Neil Damas Oliveira Junior 2- Nathalia Silva 3-...