Loss of biodiversity and shifts in aboveground biomass drivers in tropical rainforests with different disturbance histories
Pyles, M.V., Prado-Junior, J.A., Magnago, L.F.S., de Paula, A., Meira-Neto, J.A.A., 2018. Loss of biodiversity and shifts in aboveground biomass drivers in tropical rainforests with different disturbance histories. Biodiversity and Conservation.
Joao Augusto Alves Meira Neto, Luiz Fernando da Silva MagnagoTropical forests account for more than half of the global carbon forest stock and much of the biological diversity on Earth. However, disturbances such as deforestation and forest degradation threaten the maintenance of these ecosystem services. This study aimed to understand how diferent disturbance histories afect the forest stand biomass, as well as species and functional diversity, and to what extent these diferences can change the relationships between biomass and their drivers. We used data from forests with clear-cut and selectively logged disturbance histories, and from old-growth forests, situated in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Forests with logging disturbances showed signifcant losses in their aboveground biomass compared to those of old-growth forests (50% loss in selectively logged forests and 80% loss in clear-cut forests). Interestingly, only clear-cut secondary forests showed diferences in species and functional diversity, and were dominated by species with acquisitive trait values, commonly found early in succession. Shifts in stand biomass drivers were observed in selectively logged forests. The mass-ratio hypothesis (mainly through the functional trait of maximum height) was the most important biomass driver in clear-cut secondary and old-growth forests, whereas the importance of the niche complementarity hypothesis (through functional richness and dispersion) was higher in selectively logged forests. Our study highlights that disturbance histories can afect forest aboveground biomass and its drivers. Moreover, our results reinforce the need for conservation of intact forests but highlight the importance of including degraded forests in conservation mechanisms based in carbon stocks, as these forests retain high values of species and functional diversities that are crucial to biomass and consequently carbon stock acquisition.