Braga, Antonio Jorge Tourinho, Griffith, James Jackson, Paiva, Haroldo Nogueira de, Silva, Fabiana Cabral da, Corte, Viviana Borges, & Meira Neto, João Augusto Alves. (2007). Enriquecimento do sistema solo-serapilheira com espécies arbóreas aptas para recuperação de áreas degradadas. Revista Árvore, 31(6), 1145-1154.
This study evaluated the behavior of an organic soil-litter system seeded with native species with implications for revegetation of disturbed lands. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse and on benches exposed to open sunlight at the Research Nursery of the Department of Forestry of the... -
BRAGA, Antonio Jorge Tourinho; GRIFFITH, James Jackson; PAIVA, Haroldo Nogueira de and MEIRA NETO, João Augusto Alves. Composição do banco de sementes de uma floresta semidecidual secundária considerando o seu potencial de uso para recuperação ambiental. Rev. Árvore [online]. 2008, vol.32, n.6, pp. 1089-1098 .
Considering its potential use in degraded environments, this study characterized the composition of a seed bank obtained from an area of typical secondary succession on the Federal University of Viçosa campus. Inferences were made whether this indicator reflects future sustainability, given... -
Bueno, M.L., Damasceno-Junior, G.A., Pott, A., Pontara, V., Seleme, E.P., Fava, W.S., Salomão, A.K.D., Ratter, J.A., 2014. Structure of arboreal and herbaceous strata in a neotropical seasonally flooded monodominant savanna of Tabebuia aurea. Brazilian Journal of Biology 74, 325–337. doi:10.1590/1519-6984.16612
Bueno, M.L; Pennington,R.T.; Dexter, K.G.; Kamino,L.K.H. Pontara,V.; Neves, D.M.; Ratter, J.A. and Oliveira-Filho, A.T. 2016. Effects of Quaternary climatic fluctuations on the distribution of Neotropical savanna tree species. Ecography 39: 10.1111/ecog.01860.
BUENO, Marcelo Leandro; REZENDE, Vanessa Leite; DE PAULA, Luiza Fonseca A.; et al. (2021) Understanding how environmental heterogeneity and elevation drives the distribution of woody communities across vegetation types within the campo rupestre in South America. Journal of Mountain Science, v. 18, n. 5, p. 1192–1207, 2021.
Camargos, Virginia Londe de, Silva, Alexandre Francisco da, Meira Neto, João Augusto Alves, & Martins, Sebastião Venâncio. (2008). Influência de fatores edáficos sobre variações florísticas na Floresta Estacional Semidecídua no entorno da Lagoa Carioca, Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, MG, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 22(1), 75-84.
The aim of this work was to determine if tree species distribution and density in the area surrounding Carioca Lake in Rio Doce State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil (19º48’18” - 19º29’S and 42º38’ - 42º28’18”W) were correlated with soil factors...