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This research aimed to characterize the floristic composition of the tree synusiae in a Semideciduous Seasonal Forest patch located in Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil (20º45’S and 42º55’W). The regional climate is classified as Cwa by the Köppen system. For... -
Silva, W.A., Villa, P.M., Schaefer, C.E.G.R., Ferreira-Júnior, W.G., Neri, A.V., 2019. Diversity and life-forms of a woody-herbaceous community on the quartzite rocky complexes in the Brazilian Iron Quadrangle. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 1 67, 357–369.
Silva-Júnior, Wilson Marcelo da; Flávia Maria da Silva Carmo, Fabiano Rodrigues de Melo, João Augusto Alves Meira-Neto. 2011Estimating Food Sources for Woolly Spider Monkeys (Brachyteles spp.) Using the Forest Structure. In: Animal diversity, natural history and conservation. Anil K. Verma, Ed. Daya Publishing Group. Delhi. 27-76p.
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SOARES, Michellia Pereira et al. Composição florística do estrato arbóreo de floresta Atlântica Interiorana em Araponga - Minas Gerais. Rev. Árvore [online]. 2006, vol.30, n.5, pp. 859-870 .
The objective of this work was to determine the floristic composition of a forest fragment and to analyze its similarity with other areas of the Semideciduous Seasonal Forest and Dense Ombrophylous Forest, in order to classify the forest typology of this area. The survey was carried out in an...